Tuesday, February 11Stories that excite

10 Celebrities You May not Know Have Criminal Records

That celebrities can have criminal records should not come as a shock to you. Before being a celebrity, one is first human, and as humans, they are liable to make mistakes. The pressure of being almost always in the limelight is enormous, and it comes with the need to have an entirely different persona because of the cameras that go everywhere with them. But talking about mistakes, some celebrities you know or may not, have had some mistakes remain on their life records. Here are some them, and their crimes.

1. Vanilla Ice

Image Source: 9gag.com

Vanilla Ice, the American rapper has a list of criminal activities on his record. From driving without a license, to abusing his partner and as the records have it, he also once threatened a homeless man, using a gun. Recently, he was arrested for a home burglary in Florida, but escaped serving time in prison because he took a plea bargain.

2. 50 Cent

Image Source: TimesofIsrael.com

One time, when 50 cent was invited to perform in one of the shows on the Caribbean, he was arrested for knowingly using the F-word in one of his songs. Apparently, the word was offensive to most people in the party.

3. Stephanie Pratt

Image Source: thelist.com

In 2006, the American television personality was arrested for stealing about $4000 designer clothes, while on drugs that made her high. She had been a victim of severe addiction to hard drugs, especially crystal meth, as a young girl still in her teens.

4. Lindsay Lohan

Image Source: hellomagazine.com

Lindsay has been said to be in a lot of trouble with the police, making her lose a number of movie deals and partnerships. More than once, Lindsay has been caught with cocaine, drinking while driving, found guilty in an assault case, and also, she has been involved in a hit and run case.

5. Will Smith

Image Source: people.com

In 1988, Contrary to how he is popularly known, Will Smith was been involved in a bloody fight that ended in the man other man needing a couple of stitches in his face because of a tear, and a damage in his left orbital bone. The cause of the fight was said to be a disagreement between them

6. Bill Gates

Image Source: cnbc.com

This is quite the shock, I’m sure you would agree. The Microsoft founder and multi-millionaire, Bill gates, is indeed on this list. Why? Let’s tell you that. In 1975, he was arrested for driving on the road without a licence, and twice more, later on, for uncoordinated driving and traffic rules violation.

7. Jay – Z

Image Source: hypebeast.com

The famous American Rapper, Jay Z, was accused, in 1999, of stabbing an executive in the stomach at a night club in Manhattan. After initially pleading not guilty in court, he admitted to the crime in 2001. He was sentenced to a three-year prohibition sentence.

8. Snoop Dogg

Image Source: hollywoodreporter.com

Snoop Dogg has been connected to a number of crimes in the past. Several times, he has been caught with hard drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and other drugs.  He was also a drug lord for a moment and spent a long time in prison, and was a gang member. In the late nineties, with his bodyguard, he was arrested as the prime suspect in the murder an enemy gang, and brought to court. But  later on, it was said to self-defense against the man, and not a pre-meditated murder. Snoop dog was acquitted of all the charges.

9. R Kelly

Image Source: latimes.com

For a very long time now, American R&B artist has been involved with the police for a good number of reasons, while his case was still on trial. The case against him is about several accounts of sexual activities with under-aged girls, rape, and a chain of other similar accusations.

10. Robert Downey Jr

Image Source: looper.com

The very popular actor best known for his role as ‘Iron Man’ in the Marvel industry, is a world recognized actor. But, some years back, it came to light that he doesn’t have such a great past. He was a deep drug addict and was arrested a good number of times for possessing hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. After a while, though, Robert went to Rehab a couple of times, and became better. He’s been doing great recently so we can say he’s in a mi h better shape now, and we’re happy for him!

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