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10 of the Best Movies Ever Made

Determining the 10 best movies of all times is not the easiest of tasks considering that there are hundreds of thousands to choose from. The invention of movies is likely the single most impactful of all inventions. Just like books, it takes us to places we’ve never been, and makes us believe in things we ordinarily wouldn’t have known about, if it wasn’t displayed. The movies that caught our hearts are the one with the most captivating story lines. Some surrounding adventures, love, heartbreak, and so much more.

Every great movie that ever came out had a theme that a lot of people could relate to, and wanted more. Achieving that is no easy feat, as  another level of creativity, must be put into the production, regardless of the genre. Here are TEN of the movies we think are some of the best!

1. The Godfather Trilogy

10 of the Best Movies Ever Made: The Godfather
Image Source: The Guardian Cinema

We begin this list with The Godfather Trilogy, a cinematic masterpiece that unfolds across three films, chronicling the tumultuous journey of the Corleone crime family. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this epic saga will surely make most lists for the best movies ever made. This movie immerses viewers in the shadowy underworld of organized crime, where power, loyalty, and betrayal reign supreme.

From the iconic opening scene of the first film to the haunting conclusion of the third, The Godfather Trilogy weaves a rich tapestry of interwoven narratives and complex characters. At its heart lies the patriarch, Don Vito Corleone, portrayed with brilliance by Marlon Brando, whose iron-fisted control over his family’s empire sets the stage for a gripping tale of ambition and revenge.

From the bustling streets of 1940s New York to the sun-drenched landscapes of 1950s Cuba and beyond, The Godfather Trilogy transports audiences to a world where honor is upheld with blood oaths, and loyalty is tested by the harsh realities of life and death. Through its masterful storytelling, unforgettable performances, and timeless themes, The Godfather Trilogy stands as a testament to the enduring power of cinema, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of popular culture for generations to come.

2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

10 of the Best Movies Ever Made: The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Images Source: TMDB

Next, we look at the heart-wrenching tale of hope, friendship, and redemption in The Shawshank Redemption. Directed by Frank Darabont and based on a novella by Stephen King, this critically acclaimed film has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its poignant narrative and powerful performances.

Set within the walls of Shawshank State Penitentiary, the story follows the experiences of Andy Dufresne, a banker wrongfully convicted of murder, and his unlikely friendship with fellow inmate Ellis “Red” Redding. As Andy navigates the harsh realities of prison life, he maintains an unwavering sense of hope and resilience, inspiring those around him to believe in the possibility of redemption.

At its core, The Shawshank Redemption is a story of human perseverance and the enduring power of the human spirit. Through Andy and Red’s journey, we witness the transformative power of friendship, as well as the capacity for hope to triumph over despair even in the darkest of circumstances.

With its masterful storytelling, compelling characters, and unforgettable moments, The Shawshank Redemption continues to resonate with audiences long after its release, making it an ideal candidate for the best movies ever made.

From its iconic scenes of Andy’s escape to its poignant exploration of themes such as freedom, justice, and the pursuit of happiness, the film remains a timeless classic that celebrates the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

3. Schindler’s List (1993)

10 Best Movies Ever Made: Schindler's List
Image Source: TMDB

Next on our list is Schindler’s List, a cinematic masterpiece directed by Steven Spielberg. Released in 1993, this historical drama is based on the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.

Set against the backdrop of World War II, the film follows Schindler’s transformation from an opportunistic businessman seeking to profit from the war to a compassionate savior willing to risk everything to protect innocent lives. Liam Neeson delivers a remarkable performance as Schindler, portraying his journey with depth and authenticity.

Schindler’s List is not merely a recounting of historical events, but a visceral and emotionally resonant exploration of human courage, compassion, and the capacity for good in the face of unimaginable evil. Through Spielberg’s masterful direction and Janusz Kamiński’s haunting cinematography, the film transports viewers to the horrors of the Holocaust while also celebrating the resilience of the human spirit.

With its unflinching portrayal of the atrocities committed during one of history’s darkest chapters, Schindler’s List serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of bearing witness to the past and honoring the memories of those who perished.

The film’s impact is profound and enduring, leaving an indelible mark on all who experience its powerful narrative and timeless message of hope and redemption. It is for these reasons that it made our list of best movies ever made.

4. Citizen Kane (1941)

10 Best Movies Ever Made: Citizen Kane
Image Source: Cinemoi TV Network

In the annals of cinema history, few films have left as profound a mark as Citizen Kane. Directed by Orson Welles and released in 1941, this groundbreaking masterpiece revolutionized the art of filmmaking and continues to captivate audiences with its innovative narrative structure and unparalleled cinematic prowess.

The movie, Citizen Kane, tells the story of power, ambition, and the elusive nature of truth. Through a series of flashbacks and interviews, the film traces the rise and fall of Charles Foster Kane, a wealthy newspaper magnate whose life becomes a reflection of the American Dream gone awry. With its intricate storytelling and richly drawn characters, Citizen Kane invites viewers on an intriguing journey through the depths of one man’s psyche.

What sets Citizen Kane apart is not just its compelling narrative, but its bold and innovative approach to filmmaking. Orson Welles, just 25 years old at the time of production, defied convention by employing groundbreaking techniques such as deep focus cinematography, unconventional camera angles, and non-linear storytelling. The result is a visually stunning and thematically rich cinematic experience that continues to inspire filmmakers to this day, making it one of the best movies ever made.

Beyond its technical achievements, Citizen Kane remains a timeless meditation on the complexities of the human condition. As we peel back the layers of Kane’s enigmatic persona, we are confronted with questions of identity, legacy, and the fleeting nature of fame and fortune. In the end, Citizen Kane stands not only as a towering achievement in cinema but as a profound reflection on the very essence of what it means to be human.

5. Casablanca (1942)

10 Best Movies Ever Made: Casablanca
Image Source: Addict Culture

Our next movies takes us to the bustling streets of Casablanca, where romance, intrigue, and patriotism collide in the classic film that has captured the hearts of audiences for generations. Directed by Michael Curtiz and released in 1942, Casablanca remains one of the most beloved and enduring love stories in cinematic history. It’s therefore easy to see why it made our list of best movies ever made.

Set against the backdrop of World War II, Casablanca follows the tumultuous journey of Rick Blaine, a cynical American expatriate who runs a popular nightclub in the Moroccan city. When his former lover, Ilsa Lund, unexpectedly re-enters his life with her husband, resistance leader Victor Laszlo, Rick is faced with a series of moral dilemmas that will ultimately test his loyalty, honor, and love.

At its heart, Casablanca is a timeless tale of love and sacrifice, set against the backdrop of a world torn apart by war. Humphrey Bogart delivers a career-defining performance as Rick, capturing the character’s brooding complexity and moral ambiguity with nuance and depth. Opposite him, Ingrid Bergman shines as Ilsa, radiating intelligence, beauty, and vulnerability in equal measure.

But what truly sets Casablanca apart is its rich tapestry of supporting characters, each with their own hopes, dreams, and desires. From the charming rogue Captain Renault to the enigmatic resistance leader Victor Laszlo, every character adds depth and dimension to the film’s captivating narrative, creating a world that feels alive and vibrant with possibility.

With its iconic dialogue, unforgettable performances, and timeless themes of love, honor, and sacrifice, Casablanca remains as relevant and resonant today as it was nearly eight decades ago. Whether you’re drawn in by its sweeping romance, its stirring patriotism, or its timeless message of hope in the face of adversity, Casablanca continues to capture the imagination and touch the hearts of audiences around the world.

6. The Dark Knight (2008)

10 Best Movies Ever Made: The Dark Knight
Image Source:

The Dark Knight is the story of Gotham City, where darkness reigns and justice hangs in the balance. Directed by Christopher Nolan and released in 2008, this superhero epic transcends the boundaries of the genre to deliver a gritty, immersive, and unforgettable cinematic experience.

This movie is a gripping tale of morality, chaos, and the battle for the soul of a city. Christopher Nolan masterfully weaves together the narrative threads of Batman’s crusade against crime, the rise of the Joker as a force of pure anarchy, and the transformation of Harvey Dent from Gotham’s white knight into the vengeful villain Two-Face. The result is a mesmerizing exploration of heroism, villainy, and the thin line that separates them.

What sets The Dark Knight apart is its relentless commitment to realism and psychological depth. Heath Ledger delivers a mesmerizing performance as the Joker, infusing the character with a chilling sense of unpredictability and menace that lingers long after the credits roll. Opposite him, Christian Bale’s portrayal of Batman is brooding and introspective, showcasing the inner turmoil of a man torn between his duty to protect Gotham and his own inner demons.

The Dark Knight made our list of 10 best movies ever made because it continues to captivate audiences and inspire filmmakers around the world, solidifying its place as a true cinematic legend.

7. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

10 Best Movies Ever Made: The Lord of the Ring
Image Source: The Entrepreneur

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is a cinematic masterpiece that has enthralled audiences worldwide. It is indeed worthy of this list of best movies ever made. Directed by Peter Jackson and adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien’s beloved novels, this trilogy weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of adventure, heroism, and the enduring power of friendship.

From the tranquil beauty of the Shire to the fiery depths of Mount Doom, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy follows the perilous quest of Frodo Baggins and his companions as they strive to destroy the One Ring and thwart the dark lord Sauron’s bid for dominion over Middle-earth. Along the way, they encounter ancient forests, majestic cities, and treacherous landscapes, facing formidable foes and forging unbreakable bonds of fellowship in their quest to save the world from darkness.

With its breathtaking visuals, stirring musical score, and unforgettable characters, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling. Through its epic scope and timeless themes of courage, sacrifice, and the triumph of good over evil, the trilogy continues to captivate audiences of all ages, inspiring countless generations with its message of hope and redemption in the face of adversity. Embark on this legendary journey and discover why The Lord of the Rings Trilogy remains one of the greatest cinematic achievements of all time.

8. Pulp Fiction (1994)

10 Best Movies Ever Made: Pulp Fiction (1994)
Image Source: TMDB

It’s time for Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino’s iconic masterpiece that redefined the crime genre and captivated audiences upon its release in 1994. With its non-linear narrative, sharp dialogue, and unforgettable characters, Pulp Fiction continues to hold a revered place in cinematic history, hence its inclusion in our list of 10 best movies ever made.

Set in the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles, Pulp Fiction weaves together a series of interconnected stories involving hitmen, boxers, mob bosses, and small-time criminals, each with their own agenda and moral compass. From the adrenaline-fueled opening scene to the mind-bending twists and turns that follow, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, never knowing what to expect next.

At the heart of Pulp Fiction is Tarantino’s trademark style—a unique blend of wit, violence, and pop culture references that defies categorization. From the iconic dance scene at Jack Rabbit Slim’s to the tense standoffs between characters, every moment crackles with energy and intensity, leaving a lasting impression on audiences long after the credits roll.

But perhaps what truly sets Pulp Fiction apart is its rich tapestry of characters, each brought to life by a stellar ensemble cast. From Samuel L. Jackson’s iconic portrayal of hitman Jules Winnfield to John Travolta’s career-reviving turn as Vincent Vega, the film is filled with memorable performances that have become indelible parts of popular culture.

With its groundbreaking storytelling, bold visuals, and infectious soundtrack, Pulp Fiction remains a timeless classic that continues to inspire and influence filmmakers to this day. Whether you’re drawn in by its razor-sharp dialogue, its thrilling plot twists, or its unapologetic celebration of the absurd and the profound, Pulp Fiction is an experience that is not to be missed.

9. “The Matrix” (1999)

The Matrix
Image Source: Script Gods Must Die

The Matrix is a groundbreaking sci-fi thriller directed by the Wachowskis that forever altered the landscape of cinema upon its release in 1999. Blending revolutionary visual effects, philosophical themes, and exhilarating action sequences, The Matrix has left an indelible mark on pop culture and continues to mesmerize audiences with its mind-bending narrative.

In a dystopian future where humanity is enslaved by sentient machines, computer hacker Neo, portrayed by Keanu Reeves, discovers the shocking truth about reality—that the world as he knows it is a simulated construct known as the Matrix. With the help of enigmatic rebels Morpheus and Trinity, Neo embarks on a perilous journey to awaken humanity from its digital slumber and confront the oppressive forces that seek to control it.

At its core, The Matrix is a thought-provoking exploration of existentialism, free will, and the nature of reality. Through its innovative storytelling and groundbreaking visual effects, the film challenges viewers to question their perceptions of the world around them and consider the possibility that reality may be more complex than it seems.

But The Matrix is not merely a cerebral exercise—it’s also a pulse-pounding action extravaganza that pushes the boundaries of what is possible on screen. From gravity-defying martial arts sequences to bullet-time effects that revolutionized the industry, The Matrix delivers an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

With its iconic imagery, memorable characters, and thought-provoking themes, The Matrix remains as relevant and captivating today as it was upon its initial release. Whether you’re drawn in by its dazzling visual effects, its philosophical musings, or its exhilarating action sequences, The Matrix is an unforgettable cinematic experience that continues to redefine the boundaries of storytelling in the digital age. These are just a few reasons why it made our list of 10 best movies ever made.

10. Forrest Gump (1994)

10 Best Movies Ever Made: Forrest Gump (1994)
Image Source: TMDB

Forrest Gump takes you on a heartwarming and unforgettable journey. The film directed by Robert Zemeckis, captured the hearts of audiences worldwide upon its release in 1994. Through the eyes of the titular character, brilliantly portrayed by Tom Hanks, viewers are taken on a remarkable odyssey through decades of American history, touching upon themes of love, loss, and the pursuit of happiness.

Forrest Gump is a movie about the simple yet profound story of a man with an extraordinary heart and an indomitable spirit. Born with a lower-than-average IQ, Forrest navigates the complexities of life with unwavering innocence and optimism, unwittingly finding himself at the center of some of the most pivotal moments in 20th-century American history.

From his childhood in the small town of Greenbow, Alabama, to his time serving in the Vietnam War, and his encounters with historical figures such as Elvis Presley, John F. Kennedy, and Richard Nixon, Forrest’s journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Along the way, he forms deep and enduring connections with those around him, including his beloved childhood friend Jenny, portrayed by Robin Wright, whose presence in his life serves as a constant source of inspiration and love.

But perhaps what resonates most deeply about Forrest Gump is its timeless message of resilience, kindness, and the enduring power of the human spirit. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, Forrest’s unwavering optimism and unwavering faith in the goodness of others serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that no matter where life may take us, there is always room for love, laughter, and second chances.

Forrest Gump continues to hold a special place in the hearts of audiences of all ages. We think that this qualifies it to make our list of 10 best movies ever made.

Conclusion of the 10 Best Movies Ever Made

Deciding on which movies will make our list of 10 best movies ever made is nothing short of impossible. Given the varied movie preferences and the wide selection to choose from, we understand that this list may not represent everyone’s choice, we simply made the best choice based on the most popular opinions.

Whether or not our list of 10 best movies ever made represents the choice you would have made, you will agree that these movies are at least great movies that will continue to be dear to the hearts of millions. They also include some of our most popular celebrities.

We will continue to cherish the moments and pleasures that we have enjoyed from these movies.

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