Tuesday, February 11Stories that excite

10 Scary Stories You Would Wish Were Untrue

Scary stories can cause your hairs to stand, more than any horror movie or novel. Knowing that these things actually took place can make you unsettled, and uneasy at night and even makes you question a lot of things. All it takes for these stories to come up, is an unsolved case. It could be a murder, arson, and just about anything.

Before you begin reading, prepare your mind for a scare. Here are ten of the scariest life stories.

1. Issei Sagawa

Image Source: mirror.co.uk

Issei, a man from Japan talked about how he had always wanted to eat living flesh. He confessed that he killed and ate the fresh flesh of a female friend he had. He went to say that it was a very enjoyable experience for him and he hoped to be able to do it again soon. A more horrific fact apart from the fact that he committed murder, and is a cannibal, is that he was never arrested for the crime, and still lives freely in his city, Tokyo. Scary, right? I agree.

2. The Beer Brook Murder

Image Source: nbcnews.com

In 1985, the bodies of some girls which had been missing were discovered in a 55-gallon drum by a hunter. The bodies found inside were that of a 20-year-old woman, and a small child. Sadly, they were unable to be identified. Fifteen years later, in that same spot, another drum was found with the bodies of two children. It was reported to be a horrific scene. The police believe that the four victims were relatives, and were murdered by one person-  Robert Evans. Though, till date, the case remains unsolved.

3. Marcel Petiot

Image Source: cvltnation.com

He was a French serial killer who took pleasure in watching people die. During the World War II, Marcel made people pay a fee to escape Europe, but unknown to them, they were signing up for their deaths. He would deceive them into coming to his home, then inject them with poison, lying that it was a vaccine, after which he threw their bodies into his house furnace, and then covet their properties. When discovered, he was called, “Doctor Satan.”

4 HinterkaiFeck

Image Source: filmdaily.co

In Germany, a family lived together in a small farm. In the barn, stories have it that they were all lured one by one into the farm barn, and all murdered gruesomely with a pick- ax. Nobody noticed anything for a long because they believed that they were alright, as smoke was constantly seen coming from the farm house.

5 The Unicorn Killer

Image Source: inquirer.com

Also known as  Ira Einhorn, killed his girlfriend in 1977 when she came to pick her belongings after a bad breakup, after which he dumped her body in trunk for eighteen months. It was discovered after his neighbours complained. He fled to Europe for a long time, but has been caught and now serves life imprisonment.

6. The Hanging Woman

Image Source: deviantart.com

On Halloween in Frederica, people drove past a body hanging from a tree, thinking it was a decoration. It was later discovered to be the dead body of a local 42-year old woman. She was discovered to have hung herself.

7.  The Granny Murderer

Image Source: mamamia.com

A killer named John Wayne Glover who lived in Australia,  hunted down elderly women, killing them, hence the nickname. He usually waited for them to come back from their shopping runs, then striking them at the back of their heads with a hammer, making sure they die without spilling a lot of blood. He was caught and sentenced to prison, but killed himself in 2005.

8. Contaminated Water

Image Source: reicheltplumbing.com

Guests at the Cecil Hotel complained about the weird taste change in water, and that was when the investigation commenced.  It was discovered that a woman- Elisa Ham’s body, was lying dead and rotting in one of the hotel’s water tanks. Nobody knew the cause of death, so it was ruled a suicide case. However, the CCTV footage showed that something else might have been the case.

9. The Black Serial Killer

Image Source: pixabay.com

Roaming the streets of San Francisco’s gay community with a drawing card, he drew portraits of his poor victims, struck up a conversation with them, then stabbing them in the stomach with a knife, making sure they die. The last he was heard from was in 1975.

10. The Pig Feeder

Image Source: listverse.com

This particular Canadian man, Robert Pickton, lured prostitutes with him back to his Pig farm, had sex with them, and instead of paying them, he killed them and served their body parts to his pigs to feed on. He sometimes sold them mixed up with animal parts to the public. He announced on record that he would love to do more than the 49 women he has already killed.

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