Some times in our lives, we find ourselves wishing we had superpowers that would enable us do things that are not normally possible. Watching super hero movies makes us want to be all the more stronger. Also, we fantasize about how much easier our lives would be with those powers, and how much more powerful we would be. It would be nice, possessing certain rare qualities that no one else in the world has. The fame that comes with it is something that can be capitalized on.
Here are some of those supernatural powers:
1. Flash Speed

Being fast has its perks, you could be popular just for that in secondary school. But in real life situations, it comes in handy even more. Now imagine being super fast? Time wouldn’t be of essence to you. You could literally do a day’s work in 10 minutes, and traffic would never be an issue you would have to face like other mere mortals. Imagine not needing a car, because you’re more powerful than the reason for the car itself? Well, of course, minus the carriage purpose, but in terms of effective mobility, you’re the better version. Even the thought of it is exciting.
2. Atmokinesis

Controlling the weather is a pretty cool power to possess. Don’t want to go out? You could simply cause it to rain. There, an excuse. The weather is too hot? Same. Or you really want to go to the beach but it’s too cold? You could easily turn it to summer with just a snap of your fingers.
3. Mind Reading

This makes things a whole lot easier. You already know what literally anybody is thinking just by focusing on them. And if mastered properly, this helps one in knowing who is honest, dishonest, and its overall advantage? It guides one’s decision. Awesome, right?
4. Teleportation

Imagine appearing in your dream vacation city just by thinking of it. That’s teleporting for you. You could be anywhere in just a matter of seconds, and without the hassles of getting a Visa, and all that protocol. Be it Hawaii, Dubai, or even Paris!
5. Time Travel

Time travel has to do with going forward or backwards in the time. With this, you can correct a past mistake you made, or, you could know how your future would be. Everything is in your palms. One would have to very careful though, with this power, any mistake made could affect the present.
6. Super Strength

This is one of the most helpful powers one could possibly wish to have. With this, you could do a lot of acrobatics easily, and in an accident, you could lift heavy things in time to save a life. And while performing any hectic chore, moving things would be like lifting a finger.
7. Breathing Underwater

Swimming phobia wouldn’t be a thing anymore if this ability becomes a common thing. Being able to breathe underwater, would increase underwater activities, help one explore more marine life activities, and even reducing the rate of drowning.
8. Being Impenetrable

The ability to be a living, breathing human “everything proof” vest? This is it. Bullets have nothing on you, as when shot, they would come bouncing off, and in an explosion? You’d come out unscathed. This come very close to being immortal.
9. Invisibility

Getting into anywhere with this power would be a piece of cake. Whether it’s he office, a night club while avoiding the queue, or even a secret place to get secret documents. Anywhere. With this also, you can get know who people really are and what they are doing. Nothing can be hidden from you.
10. Healing Powers

Injuries hurt. The ability to heal whatever ailment one has, could earn one a lot of money. Gunshot wound? Easily fixable. Toothache? Gone with just a touch. And with this, the possibility of healing patients with serious illnesses, like cancer and heart issues, would be very likely. But, the healer would have to be very careful, too. This is because healing tends to take a toll on the person doing the work. A part of you absorbs the illness, and when it gets too much, it might lead to a weakness or death. The advantage, however, is a lot more, if done properly. Unfortunately, this ability is rare.
These are top ten abilities we think would be really cool to possess.