Monday, July 1Stories that excite

12 Interesting Facts You Won’t Forget in a Hurry

Humans are always searching for different ways to experience adventure and learning new things. In this article is a list of truths and facts that are surprising. They will also leave you memories that will stay with you for a long time.

1. The Color of A Gold Fish will Fade If you Keep it in A Dark Room

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The colors of goldfishes come from what they eat as well as from sunlight and natural sources of ultraviolet lights like UVA and UVB. If you own one and you keep it in a dark or poorly lit room, its colors will begin to fade. It changes from been brightly colored to pale.

Much like koi, goldfishes are of the carp type. Their skin contains pigments that respond to light. When their skin is short of light, it becomes obvious on their skin as their color begins to fade.

2. Music Make Flowers Grow Faster

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Plants are living things and like humans, they seem to enjoy listening to music. This is evident in the scale of growth of flowers when music is played as compared to when it isn’t. Various studies have shown that when music is played, flowers and plants generally respond by growing rapidly.

Interestingly, one of these studies shows that rock music may be bad for plants. They tend to wither and die quicker when it is played. Classical music on the other hand seems to give them life most especially when instruments such as flutes, harmonium, and violins are played.

Research carried out at Annamaluia University shows that the violin is the most effective instrument that plants respond to. This was revealed when several plants were exposed to tunes from Indian traditional dance.

In Canada, an Engineer Eugene Canby carried out the same research by playing the violin sonata of J.S Bach in his wheat field. The result: his field produced with an increase of 66%.

3. The Higher the IQ, the More A Person Dreams During Night Sleep

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Technology keeps helping humans to be more knowledgeable and understand the world around them. With brain imaging, scientists have understood better the sections of the brain that are involved when we dream. As of 2017, studies show that the ability to easily recall dreams is associated with increased activity in the frontal part of the brain.

The brain’s pre-frontal cortex is used for abstract thinking so it is not surprising to see that it is associated with recalling dreams.

4. To Improve their Night Vision, Pirates Covered one Eye with a Black Patch

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It is often thought that pirates usually wear black patches over their eyes due to a missing eye or to make them appear scary. This seems only true in movies. In the real world, pirates had to quickly adapt to changing illumination between different decks on their ships. It can take a while for the eyes to adjust to the changing scenery of light and dark. Some have said this can take up to 25 minutes.

Pirates who have to move a lot between these two realities devised a means to help them adapt soon enough. So, when they switch decks, they switch the patch to the other eye. With this, their eye easily adjusts to the new light settings immediately.

This theory was tested by MythBusters in 2007 showing it was probable.

5. The Can Opener was only Invented 48 Years after the Can was Invested

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Napoleon Bonaparte in 1795 offered to give anyone who could invent a way to preserve his army’s food a notable reward. This was to prevent the food from getting spoiled during their long journeys. By the early 1800s, Nicolas Appert who was a scientist got the reward. He was able to use glass jars that had lids to preserve the food. In the same year, Peter Durand was able to secure a patent to produce from King George III. He invented the can, the first of its kind in the world. It was made with tin and iron.

The can became a blessing as it made life better but there was a snag. Opening it was not easy. They were quite thick and needed a chisel or hammer to open them up which is not that pretty. As things advanced, the can opener was invented in 1858. Almost 50 years after the Peter Durand patent for the can. The first can opener was invented and patented by Ezra Warner.

6. About Two-Thirds of the World Population Have Neither Seen nor Experienced Snow

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The two countries in the world with the highest populations are China and India. Interestingly, most people living in these countries stay in places where there is no snow. This means that a larger percentage of the population has not seen snow before.

7. To Enable them Sink Deeper in Water, Manatees Usually Pass Gas

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When manatees are swimming, they must be able to stay afloat as much as possible. Having a lot of gas means they float to the water surface. When it comes to time to go back into the water, they simply release the stored gas and they can sink into the water.

8. Crows are Superior to Most Animals in their Thinking, Similar to a 7-Year Old’s

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Based on research, it has been found that New Caledonian crows have a higher capacity to think better than most other animals. They can reason like 7-years olds. While conducting the study, it was discovered that the crows could differentiate and choose between objects that can sink and those that can float in order to get a corresponding reward. The way they understand how heavy objects causes displacement in volume is similar to those of a child between the ages of 5 -7.

9. The Amazon Rivers is a Host to Pink Dolphins

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Dolphins living in the Amazon River can also be referred to as boto or pink river dolphin. They only live in freshwater and are found along the river basins of the Amazon and the Orinoco river. These are in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Peru.

10. The Source of Blue and Green Honey that Had French Bee Keepers Confused

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In 2012, beekeepers started noticing shades of blue and green honey which were different from the normal golden color. This amazed and puzzled them. Upon investigation, it was discovered that it seems bees also love chocolate. The bees were visiting a biogas plant which was around 2.5 miles away that processes waste from a plant. This plant makes M&Ms in colors such as green, blue, yellow, red, and brown.

11. In the Thai language, Number 5 is pronounced as “ha”

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Rather than say “hahahaha”, speakers will write “5555”

It is Possible for Cats to be Allergic to Humans

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Although cats like to cuddle up to humans, there is also the possibility that they can be allergic to humans. This is quite a rare case though.

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