Tuesday, February 11Stories that excite

Unbelievable Events

Events you will never believe ever happened.

10 Hygiene Practices of the Past that will Shock You

10 Hygiene Practices of the Past that will Shock You

Did You Know?, Unbelievable Events
The world has constantly evolved and is constantly evolving, so it is not news when we say that in a bid to be neat, our ancestors had some very weird hygiene practices which would utterly disgust anybody from this century. Pretty much most of the things done then would be seen as barbaric acts now. But who is to blame? No one. If were born then, we definitely would have done the same, because we didn’t know better. Let’s take a look at 10 of them: 1. Bathing Image Source: theculturetrip.com Bath tubs, showers and personal boreholes were not a thing in the past, and because of that, water was not a very basic commodity. It couldn’t easily be accessed like it is now, in the 21st century. The past centuries had people having to go the stream to have their bath together. Yes, it w...
10 Scary Stories You Would Wish Were Untrue

10 Scary Stories You Would Wish Were Untrue

Featured, Unbelievable Events
Scary stories can cause your hairs to stand, more than any horror movie or novel. Knowing that these things actually took place can make you unsettled, and uneasy at night and even makes you question a lot of things. All it takes for these stories to come up, is an unsolved case. It could be a murder, arson, and just about anything. Before you begin reading, prepare your mind for a scare. Here are ten of the scariest life stories. 1. Issei Sagawa Image Source: mirror.co.uk Issei, a man from Japan talked about how he had always wanted to eat living flesh. He confessed that he killed and ate the fresh flesh of a female friend he had. He went to say that it was a very enjoyable experience for him and he hoped to be able to do it again soon. A more horrific fact apart from the fact...
10 of The Craziest Real-Life Flight Attendant Experiences

10 of The Craziest Real-Life Flight Attendant Experiences

Featured, Funny Stories, Unbelievable Events
Flight attendant experiences remind us of the fun, excitement and adventure that comes with the job. Many have at some point entertained the thought of being a flight attendant. Who knows? Some of you reading this might even be flight attendants, ha-ha. Being one can actually be quite the fun ride, but then, it is also adventure-filled job, in the sense that every day, any day, on each flight, an attendant has no idea what would happen, who they would encounter, anything at all. They basically just go on with their activities, and some of the most unexpected events happens! Let’s see some of them: 1. The Couple Image Source: incafrica.com Terrified, a once settled couple ran to complain to one of the flight attendants on board. Something very weird had happened back at their se...
10 Celebrities Who Had Near-Death Experiences

10 Celebrities Who Had Near-Death Experiences

Celebrity Stories, Featured, Unbelievable Events
Near-death experiences are not just accidents, Everyday, one accident or the other happens to people. For some, it ends up as an injury but for some others, unfortunately, it is fatal. Death is a natural phenomenon in life, and yes, some individuals have a higher chance at surviving accidents, but death? Eventually, everyone will go. And talking about accidents, no one is immune to it, even the most popular or powerful. No one. Sure, they might be rich enough to pay for hospital bills for as long as possible when ill, but in the end, those who still can’t survive,  won’t. Although, that is not always the case for everyone, because  they have been cases of a lot of people who have died way before their time, way too early. Here are some celebrities who have had near-death ex...