Tuesday, February 11Stories that excite


14 Amazing Destinations You Won’t Believe Exist

14 Amazing Destinations You Won’t Believe Exist

Featured, Tips and Ideas, Travels and Destinations
Step into a world where reality blurs with fantasy, where the extraordinary reigns supreme, and where hidden marvels await discovery. Join us on an exhilarating journey to uncover 15 amazing destinations that defy logic and challenge perception. From enchanting natural wonders to awe-inspiring feats of nature, each stop on this adventure promises a glimpse into the unknown and a taste of the extraordinary. Prepare to be transported to realms of wonderment and intrigue as we unravel the mysteries of these breathtaking locations. Whether you're a curious explorer or simply seeking a moment of escape, the allure of these extraordinary places will captivate your imagination and ignite your sense of wonder. So, embrace the unknown and embark on this journey with us as we unveil the secrets o...
10 Signs You May Have Been Raised by Really Strict Parents

10 Signs You May Have Been Raised by Really Strict Parents

Did You Know?, Featured
If you were raised by strict parents, you will know that their reason for being strict is usually that they want the child to grow to be a productive adult. Sometimes though, it can get a little too extreme as it begins to seem that the focus is not really on what the child wants, but in what they- the parents, think is better, despite signs which might show that what a child has interest in, is better. As you may have correctly guessed, this leads to some issues in the children when they grow up. If you possess any of these, chances are your parents fall into that category. Some of them are: 1. A Loner Image Source: inspiringinterns.com Throughout your childhood, you were made to stay on your own, by your parents, because they believed that allowing you socialize with other kids ...
10 of the Best Movies Ever Made

10 of the Best Movies Ever Made

Featured, Did You Know?
Determining the 10 best movies of all times is not the easiest of tasks considering that there are hundreds of thousands to choose from. The invention of movies is likely the single most impactful of all inventions. Just like books, it takes us to places we've never been, and makes us believe in things we ordinarily wouldn’t have known about, if it wasn’t displayed. The movies that caught our hearts are the one with the most captivating story lines. Some surrounding adventures, love, heartbreak, and so much more. Every great movie that ever came out had a theme that a lot of people could relate to, and wanted more. Achieving that is no easy feat, as  another level of creativity, must be put into the production, regardless of the genre. Here are TEN of the movies we think are some o...
10 Celebrities You May not Know Have Criminal Records

10 Celebrities You May not Know Have Criminal Records

Did You Know?, Featured
That celebrities can have criminal records should not come as a shock to you. Before being a celebrity, one is first human, and as humans, they are liable to make mistakes. The pressure of being almost always in the limelight is enormous, and it comes with the need to have an entirely different persona because of the cameras that go everywhere with them. But talking about mistakes, some celebrities you know or may not, have had some mistakes remain on their life records. Here are some them, and their crimes. 1. Vanilla Ice Image Source: 9gag.com Vanilla Ice, the American rapper has a list of criminal activities on his record. From driving without a license, to abusing his partner and as the records have it, he also once threatened a homeless man, using a gun. Recently, he was arre...
10 Scary Stories You Would Wish Were Untrue

10 Scary Stories You Would Wish Were Untrue

Featured, Unbelievable Events
Scary stories can cause your hairs to stand, more than any horror movie or novel. Knowing that these things actually took place can make you unsettled, and uneasy at night and even makes you question a lot of things. All it takes for these stories to come up, is an unsolved case. It could be a murder, arson, and just about anything. Before you begin reading, prepare your mind for a scare. Here are ten of the scariest life stories. 1. Issei Sagawa Image Source: mirror.co.uk Issei, a man from Japan talked about how he had always wanted to eat living flesh. He confessed that he killed and ate the fresh flesh of a female friend he had. He went to say that it was a very enjoyable experience for him and he hoped to be able to do it again soon. A more horrific fact apart from the fact...
10 Life Hacks You’d Wish You Had Known Before

10 Life Hacks You’d Wish You Had Known Before

Featured, Did You Know?, Tips and Ideas
Life hacks, are techniques that are used to solve otherwise complex tasks, easily, using unusual methods, or should I say, methods we'd not have thought of. Life is already complicated enough as it is, so, whenever life hacks are introduced, it is always appreciated. Why not make life easier? There’s no reason at all. Major thanks  to all the life hacks that have been discovered by amazing, creative people, many issues have been simplified, and a lord of tasks, are now fun. The fun this is that most if these life hacks are DIY (Do It Yourself) and mostly fun. They are mostly very low budget and helps you to save costs, while achieving a lot. You might know some of these life hacks, but there’s a huge possibility that you didn’t know some of these. Here we go: 1. Toothpa...
10 of The Craziest Real-Life Flight Attendant Experiences

10 of The Craziest Real-Life Flight Attendant Experiences

Featured, Funny Stories, Unbelievable Events
Flight attendant experiences remind us of the fun, excitement and adventure that comes with the job. Many have at some point entertained the thought of being a flight attendant. Who knows? Some of you reading this might even be flight attendants, ha-ha. Being one can actually be quite the fun ride, but then, it is also adventure-filled job, in the sense that every day, any day, on each flight, an attendant has no idea what would happen, who they would encounter, anything at all. They basically just go on with their activities, and some of the most unexpected events happens! Let’s see some of them: 1. The Couple Image Source: incafrica.com Terrified, a once settled couple ran to complain to one of the flight attendants on board. Something very weird had happened back at their se...
10 Superpowers We Bet You Wish You Had

10 Superpowers We Bet You Wish You Had

Featured, Funny Stories
Some times in our lives, we find ourselves wishing we had superpowers that would enable us do things that are not normally possible. Watching super hero movies makes us want to be all the more stronger. Also, we fantasize about how much easier our lives would be with those powers, and how much more powerful we would be. It would be nice, possessing certain rare qualities that no one else in the world has. The fame that comes with it is something that can be capitalized on. Here are some of those supernatural powers: 1. Flash Speed Image Source: pixabay.com Being fast has its perks, you could be popular just for that in secondary school. But in real life situations, it comes in handy even more. Now imagine being super fast? Time wouldn’t be of essence to you. You could literally...
10 Celebrities Who Had Near-Death Experiences

10 Celebrities Who Had Near-Death Experiences

Celebrity Stories, Featured, Unbelievable Events
Near-death experiences are not just accidents, Everyday, one accident or the other happens to people. For some, it ends up as an injury but for some others, unfortunately, it is fatal. Death is a natural phenomenon in life, and yes, some individuals have a higher chance at surviving accidents, but death? Eventually, everyone will go. And talking about accidents, no one is immune to it, even the most popular or powerful. No one. Sure, they might be rich enough to pay for hospital bills for as long as possible when ill, but in the end, those who still can’t survive,  won’t. Although, that is not always the case for everyone, because  they have been cases of a lot of people who have died way before their time, way too early. Here are some celebrities who have had near-death ex...
12 of Your Favorite Childhood Stars and How they Look Now

12 of Your Favorite Childhood Stars and How they Look Now

Celebrity Stories, Featured
It feels just like yesterday when we saw these actresses and actors as teens and tweens. But those popular faces are grown now. From your fav Nickelodeon and Disney Channel stars to those childhood stars who you may have forgotten about, these celebrities have forged ahead since the time they starred as popular kids. Although some have left the spotlight in order to pursue another career path, others have continued to star in various movies and shows. And they have become even more popular than when they first started. Well, irrespective of where they are today, you can barely recognize some of them. This is especially if you only knew them when they were just kids. Now, this nostalgic throwback will make you feel like a granny. Let’s see what your favorite child stars look like righ...