Tuesday, February 11Stories that excite

Funny Stories

Hilarious stories that are sure to have you in stitches

10 of The Craziest Real-Life Flight Attendant Experiences

10 of The Craziest Real-Life Flight Attendant Experiences

Featured, Funny Stories, Unbelievable Events
Flight attendant experiences remind us of the fun, excitement and adventure that comes with the job. Many have at some point entertained the thought of being a flight attendant. Who knows? Some of you reading this might even be flight attendants, ha-ha. Being one can actually be quite the fun ride, but then, it is also adventure-filled job, in the sense that every day, any day, on each flight, an attendant has no idea what would happen, who they would encounter, anything at all. They basically just go on with their activities, and some of the most unexpected events happens! Let’s see some of them: 1. The Couple Image Source: incafrica.com Terrified, a once settled couple ran to complain to one of the flight attendants on board. Something very weird had happened back at their se...
10 Superpowers We Bet You Wish You Had

10 Superpowers We Bet You Wish You Had

Featured, Funny Stories
Some times in our lives, we find ourselves wishing we had superpowers that would enable us do things that are not normally possible. Watching super hero movies makes us want to be all the more stronger. Also, we fantasize about how much easier our lives would be with those powers, and how much more powerful we would be. It would be nice, possessing certain rare qualities that no one else in the world has. The fame that comes with it is something that can be capitalized on. Here are some of those supernatural powers: 1. Flash Speed Image Source: pixabay.com Being fast has its perks, you could be popular just for that in secondary school. But in real life situations, it comes in handy even more. Now imagine being super fast? Time wouldn’t be of essence to you. You could literally...