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Knowing These 10 Facts Might One Day Save Your Life

While growing up, you may have read several survival guides – how you can escape quicksand, make a fire in the desert, and identify different kinds of poisonous snakes. These days, the internet makes it simple to get useful information. But it is still important to know some facts at the tip of your fingers. They could save you when you are in danger. So, munch on your favorite snack and keep reading.

1. Square Waves Appear Beautiful, But They Are Dangerous

Square waves, also known as the cross sea, may look beautiful from a distance, but they are very dangerous. The patterns are formed when 2 opposing waves intersect while moving in a diagonal pattern. Cross sea sometimes generates tall waves. You can find this phenomenon around coastal towns in the world. Ensure you stay far away while taking some pictures of them.

2. Upbeat Music Lowers Your Reflex

Many people love listening to music while driving. It keeps them entertained, especially during long drives. A psychology research discovered that listening to upbeat music has a way of reducing your reaction time while driving. This implies that if the music is loud, you will not hear warning sounds on time. As a result, you may not react fast and in a safer way.

Additionally, loud music can raise your blood pressure and heart rate and reduce the time it will take you to react by 20%. When you are deeply involved with loud music, sudden interruptions will come as a shock or surprise. And depending on the situation, you may overreact. Experts usually suggest that drivers should keep the music volume at a minimum level to allow them maintain focus.

3. Be Careful of the Minutes Before Takeoff & Landing While Onboard a Plane

The landing and take-off are quite dangerous compared to any other aspect of the flight. This is due to the fact that pilots do not have enough time to respond to problems during those times. They are either on the ground or close to it and the plane will be moving quickly. Thus, you need to be very careful, look for a nearby exit point, and act fast when necessary.

4. If You Desperately Need AA Butteries and All You Can Find Are AAA, Fill Up the Gaps with Some Foil

Aluminum foil can conduct electricity. This implies that electrons flow through it when you apply a charge. This will work for you when you desperately need AA batteries and can only find AAA. Just cut some foil and fill up the gaps. But ensure that the foil at one terminal is not touching the other terminal.

5. Never Consume Snow, Despite Your Thirst for Water

Do not Eat Snow

When you get lost in the woods on a snowy day, you may desperately search for water. Some people may think about taking the snow, but that will only result in more dehydration. This is because your body will try to use heat from within to melt it.

Additionally, the snow may contain bacteria as well as other microorganisms, if it has stayed on the ground for some time. However, if you must consume snow, ensure to melt it before consumption.

6. During an Emergency, Don’t Inflate the Life Jacket Until You Are Out of the Plane

Image Source: insider.com

Experts usually tell passengers not to inflate their life jackets when they are still in the cabin. During an emergency, inflating the jacket may make it difficult for you to escape. It becomes even worse when the plane is landing in water. So, always wait till you’re out of the plane before pulling the cord.

7. Study the Path That Leads to the Closest Exit When You Are in an Unfamiliar Property

Image Source: hbr.org

If you’re not conversant with an environment, always memorize the closest exit route. That way, you can exit the building and help to save others.

8. Learn the Difference Between a Non-Venomous and a Venomous Snake

Image Source: asawright.org

Many people do not know what differentiates a non-venomous snake from a venomous one. According to Julia King, Oxbow Meadows’ Animal Curator, a venomous snake has a triangular head while a non-venomous snake has an oval head. King said, “If you see 2 fang marks, then it is a venomous snake and you need immediate medical attention.”

9. When There’s an Emergency, Siri Can Help You

Image Source: republicworld.com

Siri can help to get your questions answered and when you need to play music. But that’s not all it can do. You can ask Siri to help you call emergency personnel. You can also create shortcuts that will enable you to send the details of the emergency and your location, with the aid of Siri.

10. If Your Car Is Skidding…

Image Source: yourmechanic.com

If your car starts skidding, remove your foot from the gas pedal, keep your hands on the steering, check which direction the car is going, then steer in that direction. You will regain control, then press the brakes gently to safely stop the car.

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