Saturday, June 29Stories that excite

Tag: child upbringing

10 Signs You May Have Been Raised by Really Strict Parents

10 Signs You May Have Been Raised by Really Strict Parents

Did You Know?, Featured
If you were raised by strict parents, you will know that their reason for being strict is usually that they want the child to grow to be a productive adult. Sometimes though, it can get a little too extreme as it begins to seem that the focus is not really on what the child wants, but in what they- the parents, think is better, despite signs which might show that what a child has interest in, is better. As you may have correctly guessed, this leads to some issues in the children when they grow up. If you possess any of these, chances are your parents fall into that category. Some of them are: 1. A Loner Image Source: Throughout your childhood, you were made to stay on your own, by your parents, because they believed that allowing you socialize with other kids...