Wednesday, June 26Stories that excite

Tag: You won't believe this

12 Dumb Things that People Will Always Do

12 Dumb Things that People Will Always Do

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One key human attribute is awareness. This includes awareness of themselves and the environment where they are per time. This gives helps to give them a sense of direction as well as properly doing things. While occasionally, a person can lose this awareness for a split second or minute due to a lack of concentration or stress, others are just incompetent. This incompetence ensures that their lack of awareness leads them to do stupid and dumb things. While some eventually recognize their stupidity, some are not gifted to do so. Below, you can find a list of some of the dumb things that people have actually done. Some can be excusable while some are just plain dumb. Getting Injured by a Rake Stepping on a badly placed rake. A rake is a simple tool used for cleaning debris an...