Wednesday, June 26Stories that excite

12 Dumb Things that People Will Always Do

One key human attribute is awareness. This includes awareness of themselves and the environment where they are per time. This gives helps to give them a sense of direction as well as properly doing things.

While occasionally, a person can lose this awareness for a split second or minute due to a lack of concentration or stress, others are just incompetent. This incompetence ensures that their lack of awareness leads them to do stupid and dumb things. While some eventually recognize their stupidity, some are not gifted to do so.

Below, you can find a list of some of the dumb things that people have actually done. Some can be excusable while some are just plain dumb.

Getting Injured by a Rake

Stepping on a badly placed rake.

A rake is a simple tool used for cleaning debris and sorts from a yard or garden. It is not a weapon and it is not directly harmful but like most things, it could hurt you if you are not careful with it. You can step on the sharp forked edges called tines. Also when turned faced down and you step on it and it will hit you smack bang in the face.

Some people have experienced this more than once. After the first hit, you’d did that think they will know to remove the rake but no. To avoid a rake hurting you, ensure to always put it in an upright position and in a way that you won’t step on the tines.

Driving Behind Parked Cars

Parked Vehicles

Have you ever been in the awkward situation where you are driving and you come up to a part of the road where cars are ahead of you? You see other lanes moving but the lane you are on isn’t. You are wondering what is happening only to notice that you have either been on the wrong lane all the while or you were waiting in line behind parked cars. Either way, you are will be disappointed in yourself when you discover your ignorance.

Guzzling Down Hot Food

Eating Hot Food

Did you know that eating hot food not only burns your tongue and upper pallet? If you try to swallow it, it will burn your throat too.

The best way to handle such is to spit it out. Yes, it would scar your tongue but at least, you can save your throat from the unpleasantness.

Searching For Your Neighbors on Google

Google is a search engine for looking for information or getting answers when you need them. The answers are based on websites that have spoken about the sort of thing you are searching for. Google does not answer personal questions. It is not a human, not does it knows what is happen in your life except of course when you put in on the internet.

Stop asking a question about your neighbors and colleagues on Google rather ask reasonable questions that someone already answered and will bring information to you.

Waking Up in the Evening Thinking You’re Late for Work or School

Sometimes, when you sleep early in the evening and it felt like a night of deep sleep. You wake up some few hours later still in the evening but you feel it is morning already. You check the time and it’s somewhere between 7 and 8 o’clock. You begin to panic as you think that you are already late for wherever you need to be.

To avoid appearing dumb, just ask someone available what time is it. You can as well check a device (not a wall clock) that tells time in the 24-hour format rather than take action on your time confusion.

Having Sealed Lips

Glues are used to seal things together. When using a tube of superglue, there is the temptation to put the tube cap between your lips. If you are lucky enough, there is no glue smear on the cover, you can get away with it.

When there is glue smeared on the tube cover and you put it between your lips, of course, the glue does its job and you will have sealed lips.

Help, I Can’t Find My Car

Sometimes, you are so used to driving your car around that even when it is not available and you are aware, you are still looking for it.

There have been situations where people who are used to driving their own car had to borrow someone else’s to go out. Then when they need to return, they are looking for their vehicle, not the one they borrowed. Some even go ahead to call the police. Such an embarrassing moment when you finally discover your folly.

Calling a Phone Left with You

Phones are used for communicating with other people. What happens when they have just left and forgotten it with us?

Some have probably been in a situation where they called or text a phone that was right there with them.

Metal in A Microwave

Microwaves are good for heating cold food but not every material can go in there. Some for obvious reasons. Asides from the metal getting hot, there is also a potential of damaging the appliance.

Where are My Glasses? I Can’t See.

Eyeglasses are important for clearer sight for people who have eye defects. Occasionally rather than put it over the eyes, you could hang it over the head or face instead. This can be for a number of reasons and it is ok.

The problem arises when you forget it is over your face or head and start looking for them.

Please, Hold the Door

Door knobs are there not only to open them but also to hold the door and close them. Holding the edge of a door obviously leave your hand in the way of the door. The result is: you guessed right. The door slams on your fingers. Ouch!!

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