Saturday, June 29Stories that excite

Is Your Child Your Valentine? Here are 10 Simple Gift Ideas that Will be a Hit

Having a child as your valentine is not one of the most common occurrences you may come across. That said, there’s no rule that says that your little child cannot be your valentine. With the approach of this day that can cause some heartache for singles and even some couples, turning all that attention to your little child may not be a bad idea.

Should you therefore be thinking of having your child as your valentine and want to pick out a gift your little kid will love, we’re here to help you. We’ve done some research and have a list of 10 ideas you may want to consider. You can take a pick from any of the ideas listed below.

Note getting a gift is just one step. There are things you can do with your child on valentine. You should plan the day carefully.

 1. A Small Waving Air Tube Man they Can Run Around with

Waving Air Tube Man

This is a new sensation among kids. The joy of putting on the 9-volt battery powered toy can be as intense as eating cotton candy.  Once turned on, the inflatable balloon man pops up and dances in the air. This can make a previously sad child forget whatever it was that caused the sadness instantly become happy. If they were already happy, then get ready for real ecstasy.

It is a great gift idea because it can become your child’s best companion, always ready to keep your little one company when you might be too busy working, or just unavailable.

2. The Baby Yoda Multi-Talented Toy

Yoda Night Light

The Baby Yoda, which is a toy conceptualized from “The Child”, has become globally loved because of its cute nature. It offers a number of interesting features that are sure to have your little one giggling in excitement. It is designed to make a variety of pleasing sounds ranging from giggling, cooing, and other sounds that generally indicate excitement. Ah, yes- it can also making the snoring sound when placed down to sleep. That sounds like the perfect sleep company for your pre-adolescent child.

In addition to the above, If your child is one who gets scared at night, going to pee at night would no longer be a problem because once the Baby Yoda senses darkness, it illuminates, thereby giving your child the courage to stay alone at night or even go take care of important toilet business.

3. The LEGO Dinosaur Set

Lego Dinosaur Set

Does your kid love brick games? Does he or she love creating things? Look no further for the right gift. The Dinosaur Lego set is perfect for your creative child. The idea of creating and piecing bricks together is usually a sort of adventure for children.

Giving your boy or girl the opportunity of creating up to three different dinosaurs with the LEGO set would definitely make their valentine’s day.

4. Re-usable Play Bubble Wand

Bubble Wand

Fun fact about bubble wands…. they can practically be used at anytime, anywhere and for as long as the kids desire. Using it is also as simple as your child could picking it up, swirling in the right liquid mix and presto; you have bubbles everywhere.

This simple toy can keep your kid and his/her friends occupied until they get completely tired. To make it even better, cleaning it is just as easy. It can also be reused multiple times. You won’t believe the fun that comes loaded in this simple toy.

5. A Two-Piece Heart Necklace

2-piece heart necklace
2-piece heart necklace

Children generally love the idea of owning matching items with their friends. It gives them this feeling of kinship that sets them apart from the crowd. Now, imagine how excited your little one will be to share a matching item like this with you, their parent.

The joy in their hearts whenever they see you wearing the other half piece of a heart they also own will be something to treasure. A gesture such as this can actually lay the foundation for a life time bond or memorabilia that your child may never forget.

6. Chocolates

Valentine Chocolate Box

Practically everyone loves chocolates, more so children. You can easily become the world’s best parent (and valentine) by offering your child a box of yummy chocolates as a valentine gift. With this gift, you can be sure that you can do no wrong as far as your child is concerned and of course for as long as the box of chocolates last.

You therefore have one clear task – ensure the chocolates last for as long as possible. Doing this will first ensure that the period during which you can do no wrong lasts for a bit longer and then it also ensure that your child doesn’t get sick from eating up all the chocolates too fast.

7. A Stuffed Doll of their Favorite Cartoon Character or Animal

Stuffed Cartoon Characters

Every child has a favorite cartoon or movie character. What could be better than having this character with him/her at all times. Children have been known to form close bonds with their stuffed animals or characters, this goes to show how much of a hit this gift can be.

Be sure you know your child’s favorite character before making this purchase. Buying something different will have the exact opposite effect. To take it to an even higher level, add some clothes or other accessories so your child can really have different activities with their valentine gift.

8. Cute Wall Stickers

Children’s Wall Sticker

Valentine, aside from any other thing, is about spending time with the one you love. Having chosen your child as your valentine, spending fun time with him or her is critical to the success of it all.

You will be hard pressed to find many things that can mutually excite you and the child. This is what makes this gift idea even more appropriate. Choosing wall stickers of your child’s favorite characters and then spending time sticking them up around his/her room is something that will must certainly create that much needed funtime.

Note however that you must make time for this activity with your child. The fun is in the joint activity, much like putting up and decorating a Christmas tree. If therefore you can commit to spending all the time needed for this, go ahead and get this gift. You will have enough fun to last you guys a few days.

9. A Fun Coloring Book

Children’s Coloring Book

If you’ve ever seen how focused some children can be when they are coloring in the book, then you will surely understand how much of a hit this gift can be. The truth though is that you must first have an idea of how much your child like coloring. Some children may not find it interesting for long.

If however your child loves coloring, aim to pick out books that feature characters s/he already loves. This will add a deeper level of interest.

If you can find the right coloring book, then you may find yourself spending a lot of your Val time alone as your little one may just get so engrossed in the coloring to pay you heed. You can however spice it up by participating actively. Both of you can color together or separately.

10. Board Games

Board Games

There are so many different board games that you can choose from. The right one will mainly depend on the age range of the child in question. You of course do not want to get a board game that the child won’t understand.

A board game is a great option when you want to make the moment very participatory. With the right board game, you can even make it a family affair. This will be an ideal case of “the more the merrier”.

So, consider the age of your child and find something that can understanding easily and have all the fun you can.


We’ve taken some time to share some gift (and fun) ideas for parents who have decided to make their kid(s) their Val. We hope you found one of these ideas suitable for your child.

Remember that they grow up so fast so spend as much as you can with them now before they get all grown up and begin to spend less and less time with you.

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