Saturday, June 29Stories that excite

Tag: best movies

10 of the Best Movies Ever Made

10 of the Best Movies Ever Made

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Determining the 10 best movies of all times is not the easiest of tasks considering that there are hundreds of thousands to choose from. The invention of movies is likely the single most impactful of all inventions. Just like books, it takes us to places we've never been, and makes us believe in things we ordinarily wouldn’t have known about, if it wasn’t displayed. The movies that caught our hearts are the one with the most captivating story lines. Some surrounding adventures, love, heartbreak, and so much more. Every great movie that ever came out had a theme that a lot of people could relate to, and wanted more. Achieving that is no easy feat, as  another level of creativity, must be put into the production, regardless of the genre. Here are TEN of the movies we think are some ...