Wednesday, July 3Stories that excite

Tag: Cat’s tail bones

11 Fascinating Facts About the World We Live in

11 Fascinating Facts About the World We Live in

Did You Know?, Featured
There are facts about the world we live in that we find very difficult to believe. These facts raise several questions in our minds that we find answers to. Questions like: Are diamonds as rare as they are perceived to be? How do repellants work on insects? Or is it possible that some planets are in the same direction as the earth? keep some people looking for answers and we have set out to provide answers to them in this article. 1. The Fear of Spiders Makes You Notice them More Image Source: Are you are scared of spiders? Then you have the highest probability of noticing its presence in the room than any other person. This is according to researchers who were investigating what easily draws people’s attention. They found out that fear is the most potent feelin...