Friday, June 28Stories that excite

Did You Know?

Interesting and sometimes unbelievable facts you likely have never heard about.

12 Foods that will Surprisingly Leave You Hungrier

12 Foods that will Surprisingly Leave You Hungrier

Did You Know?, Featured
Abraham Maslow was most definitely right when he listed food as a basic human need. Food is one surefire means of survival, its necessity is primal and it is a good source of nutrients for the body. There are numerous advantages of food, ranging from a great source of nutrients for the body, to providing the body with the requisite energy it needs, helping to regulate and maintain body functions, cleansing the body thereby making you feel refreshed and revitalized, and helping  to prevent and fight diseases. Interestingly, foods have a socializing undertone as they are good way to hang out with family, friends, colleagues and partners. Although, foods are a good way to satisfy our craving nudges and taste buds, however, there are foods that increase one's cravings and whets one's ...
12 Interesting Facts You Won’t Forget in a Hurry

12 Interesting Facts You Won’t Forget in a Hurry

Did You Know?, Featured
Humans are always searching for different ways to experience adventure and learning new things. In this article is a list of truths and facts that are surprising. They will also leave you memories that will stay with you for a long time. 1. The Color of A Gold Fish will Fade If you Keep it in A Dark Room Image Source: The colors of goldfishes come from what they eat as well as from sunlight and natural sources of ultraviolet lights like UVA and UVB. If you own one and you keep it in a dark or poorly lit room, its colors will begin to fade. It changes from been brightly colored to pale. Much like koi, goldfishes are of the carp type. Their skin contains pigments that respond to light. When their skin is short of light, it becomes obvious on their skin as their c...
11 Fascinating Facts About the World We Live in

11 Fascinating Facts About the World We Live in

Did You Know?, Featured
There are facts about the world we live in that we find very difficult to believe. These facts raise several questions in our minds that we find answers to. Questions like: Are diamonds as rare as they are perceived to be? How do repellants work on insects? Or is it possible that some planets are in the same direction as the earth? keep some people looking for answers and we have set out to provide answers to them in this article. 1. The Fear of Spiders Makes You Notice them More Image Source: Are you are scared of spiders? Then you have the highest probability of noticing its presence in the room than any other person. This is according to researchers who were investigating what easily draws people’s attention. They found out that fear is the most potent feelin...
Knowing These 10 Facts Might One Day Save Your Life

Knowing These 10 Facts Might One Day Save Your Life

Did You Know?, Featured, Tips and Ideas
While growing up, you may have read several survival guides – how you can escape quicksand, make a fire in the desert, and identify different kinds of poisonous snakes. These days, the internet makes it simple to get useful information. But it is still important to know some facts at the tip of your fingers. They could save you when you are in danger. So, munch on your favorite snack and keep reading. 1. Square Waves Appear Beautiful, But They Are Dangerous Square waves, also known as the cross sea, may look beautiful from a distance, but they are very dangerous. The patterns are formed when 2 opposing waves intersect while moving in a diagonal pattern. Cross sea sometimes generates tall waves. You can find this phenomenon around coastal towns in the world. Ensure you stay far a...
10 Surprising Facts that’ll Teach You Something New

10 Surprising Facts that’ll Teach You Something New

Did You Know?, Featured
When it comes to surprising facts, there are lots of things in the world we live in that can fit this description. Every now and again we get to learn one new thing that makes us wonder, “how didn’t I know this?”. Some of these facts can be strange, some can be simple everyday things while some others can really extraordinary. To add to your list of surprising facts that you’ve come across, we will look at 10 such facts below. Hopefully, you would have learnt some new things about the world you live in by the time you are done reading this article. 1. Iceland Has No Mosquitoes Land with No Mosquitos Our first surprising fact is from Iceland. This is a sparsely populated country which has an estimated number of 1,300 species of insects. Yet there are no mosquitoes. So, why is t...
12 Dumb Things that People Will Always Do

12 Dumb Things that People Will Always Do

Did You Know?, Featured
One key human attribute is awareness. This includes awareness of themselves and the environment where they are per time. This gives helps to give them a sense of direction as well as properly doing things. While occasionally, a person can lose this awareness for a split second or minute due to a lack of concentration or stress, others are just incompetent. This incompetence ensures that their lack of awareness leads them to do stupid and dumb things. While some eventually recognize their stupidity, some are not gifted to do so. Below, you can find a list of some of the dumb things that people have actually done. Some can be excusable while some are just plain dumb. Getting Injured by a Rake Stepping on a badly placed rake. A rake is a simple tool used for cleaning debris an...