Monday, July 1Stories that excite

Tag: invisibility

10 Superpowers We Bet You Wish You Had

10 Superpowers We Bet You Wish You Had

Featured, Funny Stories
Some times in our lives, we find ourselves wishing we had superpowers that would enable us do things that are not normally possible. Watching super hero movies makes us want to be all the more stronger. Also, we fantasize about how much easier our lives would be with those powers, and how much more powerful we would be. It would be nice, possessing certain rare qualities that no one else in the world has. The fame that comes with it is something that can be capitalized on. Here are some of those supernatural powers: 1. Flash Speed Image Source: Being fast has its perks, you could be popular just for that in secondary school. But in real life situations, it comes in handy even more. Now imagine being super fast? Time wouldn’t be of essence to you. You could literall...